Friday, November 16, 2012

We're Scrappin' on a Monday night this month!

Hello ladies!

This month's layout workshop will be at my house on Monday, November 19th at 7pm. And it's a short week so it won't even feel like a Monday! Here's the info you need. The cost for the layout is $12 and includes a bit of Magic, a full set of Flirty Complements, and page protectors. Here's some pics of our project.

This is the full 2-page layout. Since you're receiving a full pack of the Complements, you'll be able to decorate your layout any way you want! Although, I think the tree is just the cutest thing! The upper right side of the layout has the Magic, a waterfall of pics! It's hard to tell from any of these pics, but you pull the tab at the right and the photos just flip over one by one. It's great for those action shots - I'm thinking little ones throwing autumn leaves in the air, or choosing their favorite pumpkin. It's your choice which photos you want to use, but the waterfall idea is fabulous!
Here's a close up of the waterfall.
And here's I've tried to show you what it looks like in motion, but the pictures really don't do it justice.

As always if anyone would like to join us this month, just let me know! You can reach me at or 763-234-4423.

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